Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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They came prepared to shear our sheep and gather in our
crops, And thus destroy the government by knocking- down its
props; They'd rob us of our wheat and wool, our poultry and such
things, And steal the ladies' jewelry, their dresses and their rings; They had scythe-blades and whiskey, and sheep shears and
hams, And threshes and jack-knives, and jellies and jams, O glorious their object—a nation to free ! But such a skedaddle you never did see !
The veterans of Vicksburg, who never had been whipped, All swore that not a leaflet of their laurels should be clipped; They wanted to see Texas, and the famous Texas boys, Who thro' the whole Confederacy were making such a noise; They had banners and mottoes, and trumpets and drums, And small arms and cannon, and round shot and bombs, Their most famous column, the " Feds " did agree— But such a skedaddle you never did see !
How first they saw the Texans and heard the Texan yell-But whether men or devils they declare they could not tell, They faced about, at " double quick," and run with all their
might, For they had seen the " elephant," and did not like the sight; They left baggage and Enfields, and knapsacks and shoes, And pickles and blankets, and negroes and stews, And broke for the river as fast as might be— But such a skedaddle you never did see!
Helter, skelter, neck or nothing, driven by their fears, From ev'ry side the Texan yell was ringing in their ears !